Hello everyone!

I'm back with one more puzzle! This one is hardcore!

You are playing as the shaman against a warlock opponent. He managed to put 4 large taunt minions on board while reducing your health to 4. Next turn your opponent is most likely to kill you, so the best solution is to finish the game this turn. Is that even possible? If so, what is the line of play that gives you the highest chance of winning the game?

Good luck and have fun!

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9/18/2013 06:19:40 am

You definitely win this turn. Drop the Lightning Storm, and even if you get the worst possible RNG and all four take only 2 damage, you still win.

Trade the Searing to finish the Voidwalker. Lightning Bolt finishes one of the Sunwalkers. Forked Lightning puts the remaining two at 1 health.

Pop the Flametongue and the Knife Juggler finishes off one of them. (Between the Dust Devil and Unbound obviously.) Then trade the Knife Juggler for the other.

Then just give Windfury to the Unbound who is at 7/7 and the Dust Devil at 5/1. That's 24 damage right there and you don't even need to use your weapon.

9/19/2013 12:26:31 am

Oops! Just realized those Sunwalkers have shield. Looks like this one is up to RNG, but I'd say you have a good shot.

10/5/2013 02:12:42 am

Thrall to Felguard
Knife Juggler to Voidwalker
Rockbiter Weapon
Windfury to Unbound Elemental
Flametongue between Knife Juggler and Searing Totem
Forked Lightning
Lightning Storm
Lightning Bolt to Guldan
Knife Juggler to Guldan
Unbound Elemental to Guldan
Unbound Elemental to Guldan
Dust Devil to Guldan
Dust Devil to Guldan

10/6/2013 11:23:03 am

You can't attack Guldan past the taunts... and you have Knife Juggler attacking twice?

10/21/2013 06:00:48 am

For the win:
1. Lightning Storm (assume 2 damage on all).
- Void 1/1, Felguard 3/3, Sunwalker 4/5 no shield x2
2. Searing -> Void (void and searing dead)
3. Thrall - Felguard (felguard dead, Thrall @ 1)
4. Forked lightning leaves both Sunwalkers at 4/3
5. Juggler -> Sunwalker (kills both)
6. Lightning Bolt -> Sunwalker (kills Walker)

At this point, you've spent 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 mana. You've cast three spells with overload, leaving your unbound at 5/4
7. Drop flametongue between Dust Devil and Unbound Elemental.
8. Give windfury to Unbound.
9. Dust Devil (5/1) x2 -> Gul'dan leaving him with 14 health.
10. Unbound (7/4) x2 -> Gul'dan for the kill.

10/22/2013 10:32:24 pm

> 3. Thrall - Felguard (felguard dead, Thrall @ 1)

How would Thrall's 2 damage weapon kill the Felguard at 3/3?

12/12/2013 09:02:33 pm

Drop the Searing Totem first so the Juggler gets 1 extra damage.
If Juggler 1 dmg hits the Felguard, then the above works as the Felguard is down 1.
If it hits the VoidWalker the Searing isn't needed so can be used on the Felguard.
If it hits a sunwalker the divine shield goes, now you need the Lightning storm to reduce it to a 4 2 so Forked Lightning kills it.
If not hopefully the lightning storm has hit either the void or Felguard for 3, so you have the Searing Totem free for the 1 extra.

4/14/2015 09:58:57 pm

Not possible without good RNG

Lets imagine the worst possible RNG happens. Juggler juggles to face, lighning storm deals 2 dmg to all.

IF you pop divine shield with totem first and then do the storm enemy will have 1/1 3/3 4/5 4/3.

that is 12 health on minions +24 health on warlock, and you only have 5+5+7+7+4+3+3+2 and thats 36. 12+24 is also 36 but you dont have 1 dmg so you will overkill the 1/1.

IF you dont pop the divine shield he will have 1/1 3/3 4/5 4/5.
1/1 totem kills 1/1. Thats 13 health on minions and that is already more than in last scenario. Fail puzzle unless it was supposed to be unsolvable.


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